Organizing First Aid Supplies

IMG_2606 When I talked about multiples I had around the house, one of the things I brought up was  band-aids. I had 8 half-used boxes laying in a big pile! So I decided to organize our first aid supplies. In my house especially, band-aids should be easy to find! Safety first in our house, after all. This was a pretty quick project, only taking about 15-20 minutes.

Expiration Dates
Look for anything expired and get rid of that first. Make sure you note of any items that will expire soon.
Combine Like Items & Assess
Figure out what you have and how much space you need, before buying a new container. I put all the band-aids in ziploc bags according to size. IMG_2601 After laying it all out, I went on the hunt around the house (before going to the store) to see if I had an appropriate size container. Luckily, I had a three-drawer unit in the garage I decided to use. Here’s the breakdown:
Drawer 1: Bandages & gauze. Band-aids are separated into baggies by size. No more half-filled boxes!
Drawer 2: Tape & wraps
IMG_2604 Drawer 3: Ointments, disinfectants, and hand sanitizer (alcohol-based santizer only!)
Ta da! Now even if I’ve practically lost a finger in a onion-cutting incident (again), I’ll be able to easily find gauze and band-aids. Success!


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