Campground Reviews – How to keep track of where we’ve been

screen-capture-3 I think I have a very common problem when it comes to camping (at least I hope it’s common!). Since it is a seasonal activity, when summer rolls around I can never remember where we went the previous year. Plus, remembering what site we stayed at and the ins-and-outs of the campground? Umm… Not a chance!

To solve this problem, we started reviewing our campsites during each trip. It started out as notes in a small notepad, and now has turned into a campground review printable. After each trip, I try to scan the sheet into Evernote (although it doesn’t always happen). Then, when we plan our camping trips in the years to come, all we have to do is search our reviews in Evernote for the campground we want to go to!

Since I like to share, I’ve included two versions, a full page 8 1/2 x 11, and a half-page (with two per sheet) at 5 x 8 for free!

Half-Page Campground Review Printable

Full-Page Campground Review Printable screen-capture-3

Ok, let’s review each section.


Campground Details – General observations about the campground, like if it’s quiet at night, or if dogs are allowed. Toilets (& their condition), water sources, and showers are also good info to keep track of. I also like to list hikes and other nearby entertainment.

Site Details – We like to review the site we are staying in, including fire pit, level-ness of site, spaces for tents, and closeness to neighbors.

Usually during our stay we’ll also walk around the campground a scope out all the other sites. We then make a quick list of good sites and bad sites. This helps when we have to make reservations online.


Travel Details – We drive a diesel truck and like to camp in more out-of-the-way places, so knowing the distance to a gas station is really helpful. We’ve definitely had several close calls!

In the final section, I leave blank and use it to document other things that happened on the trip. Sometimes its a funny story (a field mouse got into the trailer at night and trying to catch it was like a comedy routine!), or important details (details about trying to get out of town on memorial day weekend). In fact, below is the review we completed for our last trip.

Completed Review

One more time, here are the links to the printable files: Campground Review & Campground Review Half Page

So, that’s how we keep track of where we’ve been and what we’ve done. How do you keep track?

19 thoughts on “Campground Reviews – How to keep track of where we’ve been

  1. Pingback: The Camping Notebook | All Those DetailsAll Those Details

  2. What a great idea, thanks for sharing I will use this and also add a second sheet with some photos for a camping scrapbook.

  3. LOVE this idea. I had been keeping maps of the campground (our State parks give them for free when you check in) and making my notes on there but I like this idea better. I will each of ours into a clear sleeve so I can add the maps and tourist attraction information on the backs. Thank you again.

  4. under Campground details, whats a ” condign ” ? Why would a toilet be fitting or apt ? [ copied :- Toilets (& their condign), water sources, ]

  5. Great idea on the campsite review list. When we camp we sometimes like to walk around and scope out the campground, and make a list. Check out to see actual pictures of the campsite space before you reserve. It’s a neat tool I like to use.

  6. Thank you! I’m creating one for each of us in our group so if we go by ourselves or with others we have all the info. I also shared the packing list on goggle docs. k Can’t wait to suprise them.

  7. We Keep a camping log/journal, putting in dates, campground info & what activities we did while camping. My kids love to go back and read about our trips when they were small.

  8. Pingback: Brilliant Tip: Keeping a Travel Journal – Brilliant Traveler

  9. I have done this for years. I keep them in page protectors along with a map of the park and any other flyers of places in the area we went to see. I also like to take pictures of some of the other sites we might like for next time. I keep them in a large binder with a picture of our camper on the front. I has been fun looking back at some of the places we have been.

  10. This would be great for hotels as well! We often travel to the same area for annual activities and events, and sometimes forget where we have stayed or why we liked one place over another. Thanks for the idea!

  11. Can I buy this anywhere. I’m not computer savvy. Does anyone know where I can buy something like this .?

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