Camping Checklist

I love to camp. However, I think most can agree that the WORST part about camping is the packing. There are so many little things to bring, and I usually end up forgetting something really important. A great example is when I went camping with my two best friends and we were planning to have english muffin pizzas for dinner. Except that I forgot cheese. So we drove (far) to a store, only to get back and realize I forgot sauce. Whoops! Because of this (and many other incidents) I have a camping list that I’ve continued to add and subtract from to try to get to the sweet spot of camping organization.

Tent Trailer!

Our new tent trailer. Yahoo!

Recently, The Boyfriend and I decided that we would further improve the packing process by getting ourselves a little pop-up tent trailer. Really, you don’t need to buy a trailer to simplify packing, well-organized list will work too. Our idea (other than not sleeping on the ground) is that if we can keep the trailer packed with the essentials, we’ll only have to do minimal packing before a trip. Continue reading

Drawing a Floor Plan

Right now, I’m starting to plan a major remodel of my kitchen. While I’m not planning to start work right away, the first step is just figuring out what I want to do and a budget for it. Especially for a project this big, but even for a smaller event like buying new furniture, drawing out a floorplan can really help visualize the space.

Close Up










I’ve also found that it helps me see the space more objectively and find new solutions that I don’t see while looking at the actual room.

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Getting clothes into the “toss” pile

Generally I don’t have a hard time getting rid of things. I used to, but living in small apartments and moving frequently somehow cured me of my previous problem of clinging to everything from ticket stubs, socks with holes, and magazine that I’d read three times. However, one of my biggest hurdles is still getting rid of clothes.
What makes it even harder is that practically all advice I see on sorting and purging wardrobes sounds something like this:
Fix & Toss

I think we have a problem...

  1. try everything on
  2. make piles of keep, toss/donate and fix
  3. fix the “fix” pile, toss the “toss” pile
In reality, is it ever this easy? Continue reading

Organized Creativity with Evernote

I mentioned in my first post that I’m a nut for lists. Well, it’s actually more like I’m addicted and can’t live without them! In some ways I have a really good memory, but with other information I am absolutely horrible. Lists have been the only way to keep me sane. I’ve always carried around a little notebook or post-its and had lists on the back of receipts, envelopes, or my hand. And while I was writing everything down, those lists weren’t organized enough for me to use them effectively. Lose a list, and I was lost. Then I found the program Evernote.

Why Evernote = Amazingness

For those of you unfamiliar with Evernote, it is a cloud-based program that allows you to sync information from multiple devices. Personally I have downloaded Evernote on my iPhone, personal Mac laptop, and work PC desktop. But what makes this program even better is

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