I’ve posted a couple things about my garden, (making garden beds and garden markers) so I thought it was about time for an update on how the garden is going. Well, short story is that my garden is schizophrenic. Some things are going great, others can’t decide, others have yet to do anything, and some have gone rogue!
Right after I planted everything, we had a bit of crazy weather where every couple days it would go from very hot to foggy and cool. Everything rooted and grew a bit, and then just… stopped. Finally, we’ve got some growth again. I’m pretty sure it’s because we added fertilizer last week.
Cilantro – It was probably the wrong time of year to plant cilantro (it does not like heat). Both the heat and shock of getting transplanted resulting in it “bolting” almost immediately. Bolting means it produced flowers and lost its taste. Luckily, cilantro is also coriander, so i’m waiting for the seeds so I can either use them or replant.

Strawberries – Some small (very sweet) berries. We’ve been getting a couple a week and the plants themselves are finally getting bigger. Slow but steady.

Radishes – Great! they took a while, but we’re getting some nice, smallish radishes. They’ll be done soon though.

Jalapeño – Ummm…pretty much looks just like when i planted it. They haven’t died, but they haven’t grown either. I’m starting to think someone is playing a practical joke

Peas & Beans – Finally starting to climb. These were VERY slow, but still plugging along. Finally we got some pods in the last couple of days. There was a mass die-off in the middle rows; the others are doing nicely.
Pumpkin – The pumpkin just exploded in the last 2 weeks. We’ve got flowers, so we’re hoping they fertilize and we get an actual pumpkin or two. (My garden assistant is over by the peas)

Lettuce – Almost no growth of one variety (sad face). The other is JUST starting to show now. Seeds don’t usually take months to sprout, but I guess better late than never. Lettuce also doesn’t like the heat, so i’m guessing that’s why.

Sookie finally got to go outside!
Yes, now that she’s fully adjusted to the house we let her out. We put in cat doors, but it took her two weeks to figure out that they worked both ways! She would go out, but then just meow at the door to be let back in. Silly girl. She LOVES hanging out with us in the garden.
Well, you know I love kitties, so I adore your garden assistant!! Everything looks great, Sarah! From what I’ve read, it is usual for you to have some grow and others not. Good luck with the harvesting!