Organized Hall Closet

When I talked about multiples I had around the house, one of the things I brought up was band-aids. I had 8 half-used boxes laying in a big pile! So I decided to organize our first aid supplies. In my house especially, band-aids should be easy to find! Safety first in our house, after all. This was a pretty quick project, only taking about 15-20 minutes. Continue reading
This post title sounds like I know what I’m doing, when I clearly am learning along the way. The boyfriend and I are in the process of merging our households. We’ve both been living on our own so we each have an entire household full of stuff. Living in the same house has been awesome so far, but we’re still figuring out how to combine all our stuff into one functioning space. This is further complicated by the fact that we are living in my house, not a new space. So how did we merge two households of stuff? Here’s what we’ve learned so far… Continue reading
My office had a company-wide clean up event last week. This is important because I love to sort stuff, so it’s like Disneyland in the office for me! But I’ve also discovered, while I am very organized I don’t really like getting rid of things (see last week’s post). As part of this work exercise, I’ve realized that I really need to sort through my papers at home too.
So, I’ve tried to gather some information to create household records retention guidelines for personal and household papers to help with sorting and purging files. Continue reading
Just a quick question before the holiday weekend. What piece of clothing will you never get rid of? Well, Karen over at the Art of Doing Stuff just asked that question too. Head on over to her fantastic blog (my favorite) to see some great responses, as well as mine! I know I’m all about organization and getting rid of excess stuff, but really there will always be some things I hold on to.
So, what super cool things will you keep forever?